Calendar February
January February March April May

02/01/08 Uninformed search; breadth-first, depth-first; iterative deepening; comparision [class notes]

02/04/08 Informed search; heuristics; greedy; A*; admissibility [class notes]

02/06/08 Informed search; local search [class notes]

02/08/08 Informed search; online search. Search wrapup [class notes]

02/11/08 Constraint Satisfaction Problems [class notes]

02/13/08 Constraint Satisfaction Problems; backtracking

02/15/08 Constraint Satisfaction Problems; local search; problem structure

02/18/08 Overflow

02/20/08 Adversarial search; games [class notes]

02/22/08 Adversarial search; optimization ; alpha-beta pruning

02/25/08 Adversarial search; cutting off search; games of chance

02/27/08 Introduction to logic [class notes]

02/29/08 Logical agents; propositional logic [class notes]

(NMSU calendar)